Monthly Archives: January 2012

A Page From My WIP

Wow, I just looked at this blog and was so surprised to note I have not posted here for almost two weeks. I decided to post one of the pages I have been working on, just so you don’t think I just goof off all the time. I really do work on this.

Digital art takes so much more time than painting or colored pencil. I do love the result and the ability to “rework” something as many times as it takes before I like it. Unfortunately, there is always something to tweak and it is hard to know when it IS done.

Lexi Tries On Stuff

This is a small portion of one very busy page. This page is not quite completed. Among other things the shadows are missing. It is coming along.

Please, fellow bloggers, nag me to keep me plugging along. With so many things I love to do, it is easy to set something aside and forget about it. So crack that whip, slather on the guilt, nag, nag, nag. If you are a mother or you had one, nagging and scolding should be easy for you.

Is it done yet? Is it done yet? Is it done yet?



366Days Photo4

Jan 4, 2012

A bit of bright yellow sunshine to brighten your day. These are not my pretty parakeets, but I was captured by their lovely colors.

Parakeets Wear Citrus Colors

This was taken on a cold winter day at the local pet store. They looked so cheerful and sunny. A couple of times in my life I had parakeets. I loved them, but I did not like cleaning up the feathers and seed husks that always flew out of the cage. And I did not like them living in a cage, but letting them fly free in the house was not a good option.

My first parakeet was a medium-blue fellow. If memory  serves me well, his name was Petey, not too original but something typical of a 10-year-old. My sister had a turquoise colored one. One day when I got home from school, something was wrong with Petey. I called mom at work. No she insisted Petey was fine.

When my parents were home I showed them Petey. There was something wrong with his eyes, they didn’t look right, they were beady. Of course, they reminded me all parakeets have beady black eyes. No, I insisted this bird’s eyes were too close to the top of his head  and he was afraid of me.

After much badgering from me for over a week, my dad finally caved. He had found Petey dead in the cage one morning. He was distraught and in Super Dad fashion and not wanting me to feel badly, he dashed out and replaced him with an identical match. Neither he nor mom  figured I’d be the wiser. I was unhappy with them for trying to trick me as if I wouldn’t know. And I was angry that they would think I wouldn’t know the difference.

To some people he was just a blue parakeet. To me he was my friend. You just can’t replace a friend.



I signed in to  the 365 days of photos challenge, but I think the badge is on my Totally Radom Shez Blog. Random Shez gets a post on ODD days. This post arrives on EVEN days.  

January 2, 2012 Cheating or Catch-up?

I feel like I am cheating. There are so many things to blog about that have happened in the past few days. But all the fun meant no blog time. So a day late here are a few pictures which I did find time to snap for Jan 2, 2012.

A night with no rain and I walked around the pond in the dark to capture this photo of our house reflected in the pond. Unfortunately the slow growth of dirt and the beaver dams created an island in the middle. The reflection is no longer pretty like it used to be. Things are constantly changing. Maybe better, maybe not, but always different.

Our Backyard Christmas Lights Reflected in the Pond.



The is the front of our house with the walkway lighted to welcome our guests. The ones who love this the most are children and my brother. They just have gleeful smiles and giggles as they walk, skip, and run back and forth.

The White Snowflake Stone Road



Here is a picture of our front porch in its festive holiday mode this year. I like it better in the night lights which give it a sparkle. But in this view you can see everything more clearly.

Our Front Porch in 2011-2012 Holiday Cheer


But wait a minute. Where did that little guy on the bench come from? And what is he holding?

Will Work for Snow
This guy obviously is anxious for snow. We all share his wish for at least one or two nice big snows. It never lasts long enough for us to get tired of it, but who can resist the wondrous delights of seeing everything blanketed in white snow. It would be even more cool if it forced us to stay home from work foe a couple of days. A real SNOW DAY!!



New Year’s Eve Celebration

Several days in a row of company has been amazing. There is nothing better than spending time with my favorite people. Unfortunately, it did not give me time to post. I did take some photos that I do want to share.

We had invited our young grandchildren to come “party-in” the New Year. That gave their parents a guilt free New Year’s Celebration. So we had fun. But our youngest one fell asleep snuggled with her stuffed animals and using  grandpa for a pillow.

Ringing in 2012

Older brother has managed to stay awake for New Years for several years. He so looks forward to running out as soon as the NYC ball drops (3 hours delayed on west coast) and yelling, “Happy New Year.” Then jumping up and down waiting to hear the responses.

This year any responses were drowned out by house rattling loud booms and huge overhead fireworks unfolding against the sky. It sounded more like cannon fire than fireworks, but it was fun. Hayden was laughing so hard at all the commotion he couldn’t tell if anyone responded. Our big fountain seemed small potatoes in comparison.

We all had so much fun that Hubby and my Champagne is still uncorked in the refrigerator awaiting another celebration. One that probably won’t include youngsters.

Cheers and wishes for a wonderful 2012 is being sent your way.

