WoooHooo. Only One to Go.

I am excited after hitting the wall on page 26 which contains 4 detailed vignettes, I back off for a couple of weeks, gave myself the pep talk and busted through the wall and finished that page. Whew. The pages were not necessarily completed in order, in fact my Gravatar is from the last page. There is only one page to complete.

Here is vignette two of the four.

A long day for the flower girl.

“Will the man ever stop talking? It’s so boring.”

The above are not the words from the story, but without the rest of the pieces, I didn’t want you to wonder what is going on. This is exactly what the flower girl did at one of my daughter’s weddings. After all, when you are four years old twenty minutes is like forever.

You can probably guess what is on my agenda for today besides laundry,  mopping floors and cropping photos, I will be starting the only uncompleted page. YEA!!!

Have a great weekend, all. Happy father’s day to all guys out there. Even if you are not a father, you had one.

I’ll be back in a week or two.

Thanks for stopping by,

Shari (and my little “friend” Lexi)

Anyone who has written a story knows how we can become attached to our creations. 😀


3 responses to “WoooHooo. Only One to Go.

  1. Gorgeous Shez!!! I don’t know how you do it!! Good luck with the last hurdle!!! 🙂 **

    • Thank you. You are most kind ;). Finishing is not the hard part, the big hurdle is selling it! ;D

    • Xandre, thank you. I just stumbled across this page of comments tonight. How does that happen? I discovered that the comments for each blog appear in different places, even though some of the stuff is shared. I have been loving your travel pix.

Thanks for stopping by, I look forward to hearing from you.